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Why do farms choose this special animal incinerator?

Release date:Jul 29,2022 Source:Holy Shield Pageviews:-
China is a big country in the aquaculture industry. There are countless types of farms,but the process of breeding itself has the phenomenon of normal/abnormal death of animals, so every year, a large number of animal carcasses need to use special animal incinerator for harmless treatment.
China is a big country in the aquaculture industry. There are countless types of farms, but the process of breeding itself has the phenomenon of normal/abnormal death of animals, so every year, a large number of animal carcasses need to use special animal incinerator for harmless treatment.
We all know that animal carcasses often carry a variety of germs. If they are not handled or handled improperly, they will cause pollution to the air, water sources and soil, and even cause the spread and spread of diseases in serious cases. In the past, people often fell into the dilemma of lack of professional equipment when dealing with animal carcasses. Harmful treatment equipment has begun to emerge. Small special animal incinerators like the one shown below are known for their high-tech content + more environmentally friendly and efficient treatment effects, and are favored by many farms.

special animal incinerator

Why choose this device?
In the past, various animal carcasses were large and small, which would cause the problem of too large volume and slow treatment efficiency in the process of harmless treatment. But the special animal incinerator in the picture above can be customized according to the needs of the farm, whether it is chicken, duck, goose, rabbit, pig, sheep, cow, etc., it can be adapted.

The waste incinerator is being commissioned

In the past, when people dealt with animal carcasses, they would be troubled by the cost incurred in the process, but the animal incinerator in the picture above uses a high-temperature pyrolysis gasification process. The temperature during incineration is as high as 850 degrees, and the operation process requires no fuel Support combustion and save fuel costs. Moreover, it occupies a small area, is easy to operate and has low maintenance costs. The most important thing is that the cost is more economical than other industrial incinerators.
In general, for farm owners, purchasing a special animal incinerator that is economical, environmentally friendly, and thoroughly incinerated has become standard. If you want to know more about animal incinerators, you can leave a message below to communicate!
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